petit chaperon rouge

          Because I love you


Word of God for the day

My sweet,  

Today Am gonna ask you one question ! May I sweet child of Mine ? 

This is My question to you : 

« Is it a time for you to be living in a roofed house while My House is a waste? » 

The answer is in you ! 

Today I wish you to give thought to your ways, and you will find the answer : 

You plant much, but little got in; you take food, but have not enough; you t0ake drink, but are not full; you are clothed, but no one is warm; you get payment for your work, but look : you are putting it into a bag full of holes. 🥺

I want you to be the House I wish to dwell in. But as it is right now, I fear I have no place in it… 😇

So my sweet lamb, go up to the hills and get wood and put up My House; and I will take pleasure in it and be honoured. 

I love you 

Dad ♥️

P.S. When you go to the hills, put on your red hooded cap. This way, Jesus My Son, My Carpenter, will recognize you … He will help you to build My House ! 🤓

Dear Jesus,

I have known You since I was a little infant, through the Church Sacrements : baptism, holy communion, the receiving of The Holy Spirit, and through what my parents, teachers, friends, have taught me of You. 

But all that have not been sufficient, as today that I am a grown up, with children of my own, I feel there is much more of You that I need to discover and pass on to my family, my world. 

I want to learn to appreciate You as You say You are : The Way, The Truth, The Life !

For I feel that only then, I will know my Way, my Truth, my Life ! 

Please come to me dear Jesus : True Son of God The One and Mighty Spirit who created Mankind, my Father in Heaven ! True Man created through and by God to teach me and save me from myself : a limited mortal, and to make me who I truly am : a forever living spirit !

That I may learn how to connect to You, and be with You every step of Your Way. 

That I may become Your dwelling place !

You have seduced me O Lord, and I have let myself be seduced; You are stronger than I, and you have prevailed. You told me yestersay that the way for me to keep my spirit pure is to walk by God’s Words ! Aren’t You The One who brought them to Mankind ? Aren’t You The Master ? My Master ? 

By discovering and learning Your Words, I will learn and discover my Father, – I will know who I am as HE IS ! I will be a dwelling place for Him… 

« God is Love », so say those who know Him and to whom He revealed Himself ! « True Pure Love ! » 

So shall be His Home ! So shall I be 😃

Show Yourself to me O Jesus, I want to see You, I need Your help – that I may become God’s Home on Earth as You are His in Heaven. 

Amen +

And Jesus answered : 

  • Humble yourself and prepare your heart for God to hear your prayer. 

Yes Lord, help me, encourage me, listen to my cry… Be my Master…

And Jesus replied : 

  • « If anyone comes to Me and does not prefer Me to his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. (Luke 14:26) Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. » (John 14:26)

Amen Alléluia +