The Light

Early this morning, I was praying in the chapel. It was dark…

In my prayer I told The Lord how much I would like to see Him… especially now – in this time of darkness the whole world is facing…

And believe me when I say : a bright shining Light entered the room… my heart filled with great joy, I tried to capture it on camera to share it with you ❤

Jesus said :

« I Am The Light of The World « !

His Message this morning to The World is clear :

« Fear not ! Turn to Me and BELIEVE that I am here shining upon you all. Don’t let The Light fade… PRAY constantly, Read My Words, Immerse yourselves in My infinite, compassionate, and unconditional Love » 🙏🕯

NOW is THE TIME to stop questioning, make the right choice, do the right thing : OBEY!

Now is the time to say unanimously :  » This virus or any other will not be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. » Amen +

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